I am third day at home-sick as street dog.Only two weeks ago I've got a Flu vacsine-obviosly not helping.But I'll use this free of everybody and everything time to concentrate on my goals.
I found out what is my main goal in life ten years ago when I was exploring what is my purpose on the Earth.
It is a long process.It's a piramid.
First you have to find out what is the most important thing for you and it is a process,because sometimes you think something is very important for example-money, but after that you realize that the money are only result after you achieve certain goal.
Sometimes with the time and terms changing your goals are changing too.
For me ten years ago the main goal of my life was to spread the Beauty everywhere.
People's behavior needs to be beautified too.
For along time I was lost.I achieved the most I could in these sertain conditions,and then the conditions have changed and I really didn't know how to grow more.I didn't know if my life goal have got changed I didn't know if I had a life goal,but this Summer I look deep down inside of me and saw it-it's there hanging ther as a treasure chest in a middle of the ocean waiting to be discovered and to shine.
I have a Life Goal, but with all those difficulties of the daily round I forgot about it and I've lost it.
Don't forget your Life Goal and if it's changing find it back again and hold on to it.This is your life saver!!!
How to determine your Life Goal?
If you interested in this matter,please let me know ,because this is a long process.I'll walk you through it - I promise.
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