My soul will explode- so much energy is roaming in there.I have so much to tell you, my dear reader, I don't know where to start from.
Maybe, I'll start with the things , which make me Happy and content.
1.Spiritual Happiness. I feel really, really good when I see something beautiful-beautiful interior design, elegant sculpture, exquisite painting, extravagant landscape, water fountain, foul of life, pretty girl, dressed with taste,handsome man, radiating power - all this ...makes me Happy, makes me want to achieve an other level of development in my soul's growth.
When I look at something pretty I feel like whole new energy is entering my entity, helping me to move forward.
So what I do, if I'm in a difficult moment, when I have to take an important decision- I find something inspiring, I'm looking at it, and I don't think of nothing.I just let this whole new thing to fill me up.I'm taking three deep breaths and then I let the answer to come to me.When I do this exercise I always get to the right decision. I don't let my brain to contaminate the purity of the present moment.This exact present moment includes Inspiration, Happiness and Fulfill Ness of the Spirit. Only in this state of Spiritual Condition you can find the right answer you're searching for.
Then I thank God, for giving me the opportunity of the moment to grow,by sensing the moment and participating in it.
What it really makes me Happy- to make the moment I live in, to make the Life I live.
In this moment I know that everything is in my hands,my Destiny depends on me, I'm the CEO of my life and I'll make the most of it!
2."Mother's" Happiness. The other thing, which makes me Happy is to look at my kid growing.I taking time to reminisce the little baby in it's sleep,the first words,the first ugly drawing, made on it's own,the first friendship,first day in school, first report card.
But this kind of Happiness differs from the previous. This Happiness makes me want to protect everything de fenceless on Earth- a little duckling, baby chicken,baby kittens, little puppies and so on.Wonders of the Nature are endless.This kind of Happiness is mixed with sadness-makes me think of the hunger on the Planet and how we, the people let this happened.
This "mother's" Happiness makes me feel as a mother of my Environment-protective,encouraging, caring.
3.Creative Happiness. There is an other type of Happiness for me as a Woman- to be loved by good man.To feel he's holding her in his strong arms,grateful for her existing, adoring her graceful body, never getting enough of her.Thirsty for her love, hungry for her lips, looking at her eyes and searching confirmation of their love.Two souls dansing in flaming passion.
This is my creative Happiness! It makes me write what I write,draw my paintings, create my beautiful work and giving it away with a smile to the world!