Monday, October 31, 2011

Ultimate Purpose

Most people live in quiet desperation. I was one of them. My marriage was loveless, my two jobs were sucking out all my living energy, I had a passionate affaire, which didn't go out of the bed and that was just enough to make me cry my eyes and my soul out every single day. 

Until one day I  found very old notebook from my high school  years, something like a journal or diary, where I've written the 10 most important things in my life at that moment. The first most important thing was Beauty. It still is.But at that moment when I saw it ten years after was written it became very clear to me - this is it. This is my call. This is my inspiration. That is the ultimate purpose of my life - to inspire, to create, to educate people to live life beautifully.I don't know how I am going to do that, but I am determine to succeed.  

I remember how I was renting very poor little room in the ghetto without bathroom and a sink in the room which I used to wash my hair and nearly could make the rent for the month. But when I was leaving that miserable room my heart was full of dreams and inspirations of how beautiful my future home will be. How it will be in the best location, in save and prestige neighborhood where children walk around with their nannies. The gardens are attended with special care and everything seems to be in order. The people are polite and educated and the ratio of criminal activity is very low.I was student in the University and at Summers I was singing in the night clubs. My only luxury. Life was simple.

Here I am now. Married lovelessly. With a blessing of a daughter - my only light in most of my days. Achieved most of the important things on my list and striving to achieve the most important one - to live life Beautifully. I have one purpose, one motive, one hope - to create a movement to live life Beautifully. If there is somebody out there that believe that Beauty could be a core value, inspiration, moving energy of one's  life, follow me and be an Ambassador of  Beauty in the world.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Blue Space Flowers

Beautiful watercolor painting, representing Blue Space Flowers on a colorful background. Format 22" x 28", watercolor paints on “Royal Brites” 400 watercolor paper. Perfect for a gift. This unique picture is signed by its author- Joanelly.

Beautiful Childhood Memories


Long time ago I discovered my passion for Beauty. From that moment on everything in my life is dedicated on creating beautiful living.

I remember my very early years of life how summer morning can be magical with all colorful lights , fragrances and sounds of the bees and birds, that are turning into a music.

Later on I read  Hyrum W. Smith - "10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management " and it occur to me that nothing is more inspiring  than living a life in Beauty. Anyway at that time I was really poor and did not have a job and money and friends, but I decided that I will succeed!

10 more years passed by and I am here in my beautiful home, creating strategy for other people to live life beautifully.

Burberry Fondation gives away free money to young people

Yesterday I became a follower on to Angela Ahrendts - CEO of Burberry. It seemed very natural to follow somebody with great passion for beauty and greatness.

Establish in 2008, the Burberry Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales.

Burberry Foundation is not very popular in US. For example in IL there are only three stores: In Chicago – on Michigan Ave, one in Northbrook, IL and one store in Oakbrook, IL

Feel a little bit left out with only 3 store locations in IL , but at the same time very lucky to live close by one of them.

The Burberry Foundation is a philanthropic organization dedicated to supporting young people, helping them to realize their full potential and thrive in the world they are inheriting.

The Burberry Foundation grants with partnership of local organizations help young people to:

develop creative confidence and self-esteem

build connections with their families, friends and society

increase their ability to reach for opportunities in school, life and work

In considering request for support Burberry Foundation give preference to projects that are located in community where Burberry employees live and work

In 1856, when Thomas Burberry invented gabardine, the Burberry brand became synonymous with the passionate adventurers, aviators, cartographers and mountain climbers who wore his coats while pushing the boundaries of human experience.

Take a look at their last collection and you will find nothing but exquisite, inspiring style not only for the attire, but also Beauty Collection of cosmetics, and Body Collection of fragrances,and Provoking Collection of accessories.

With limited editions on most of their products you will feel like celebrity, prepared to meet a royal person. Once you get the taste of Burberry’s distinctive style you will never forget them and you will always go back for more and more. Especially when you know that when you buy from them most of your money goes the a very rewarding cause- future of a young life.